Comunicazione di Fusione per Incorporazione

Comunicazione di FUSIONE per INCORPORAZIONE della Società MICROSYSTECH S.R.L. con socio unico nella Società R.G.M. S.P.A. e contestuale TRASFORMAZIONE della R.G.M. S.P.A. in società a responsabilità limitata ovvero in “R.G.M. S.R.L.”   Con la presente siamo a comunicare che, con effetto dal 1° dicembre 2021, la Società “Microsystech S.r.l.” con socio unico verrà incorporata all’interno della nostra Società. Contestualmente, a seguito dell’anzidetta operazione di fusione, RGM cambierà la propria forma giuridica da S.p.a. a S.r.l., pertanto la denominazione sociale della nostra Società varierà da: “R.G.M. S.p.a.” a “R.G.M. S.r.l.“. Sede, codice fiscale e partita Iva, numeri telefonici, indirizzi e-mail, pec, codice SDI, e sito internet rimangono invariati. Invitiamo pertanto la nostra Spett.le Clientela e i nostri Fornitori a procedere con la variazione della nuova Ragione Sociale su tutti i documenti fiscali e commerciali a noi indirizzati a decorrere dal 01/12/2021. Per maggiori informazioni, vi chiediamo di prendere nota della comunicazione allegata. Certi prenderete buona nota di quanto sopra, con l’occasione ringraziamo della cortese attenzione e cordialmente salutiamo. Genova, 09/11/2021 Download comunicazione PDF

New membership! PSMA

We are now member of #PSMA The multinational power electronics association. The PSMA was formed to provide a much needed forum for discussing and progressing issues of common concern to the power supply industry, for the benefit of power supply manufacturers, users and component suppliers. Proud to be part of this community! #association #membership #powersupplies #PSMA Find out more  

RGM at EPE19, the largest european conference on power electronics

RGM will exhibit at EPE’19 ECCE Europe, September 2-5 in Genova. RGM will participate at the special sessions dedicated to marine applications, come to visit us and take part in the discussion forum! RGM will present the latest developments and solution in the power electronics industry. Paolo Capozzella speech: P. Capozzella, RGM,“Using the modularity for full electric propulsion system on fast boats, significantly improve performances and optimize costs/benefits for users market”        

RGM at MED SEAWORK, June 27-28 2019, Magazzini del Cotone – Genova

RGM has participated at MEDSEAWORK during the Genoa shipping week (June 27-28 2019, Magazzini del Cotone – Genova) MED Seawork is a trade show event for B2B meetings between buyers and sellers dedicated to seafaring trades. It is a travelling event, the first of its kind in the Mediterranean basin, which offers an opportunity for producers, distributors, buyers, innovators, organisations and institutions in the seawork sector to meet and exchange points of view. The event is organised by the World Trade Center Genoa, a Special Company of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce. RGM has presented the latest solutions for the marine vehicles hybridization and electrification. View more:  

RGM at Electronica 2018

  Since 1986 RGM delivers custom solution for power electronics for multimarket applications in a wide range of power and configurations. Also this year RGM will be at Electronica to present you the newest technological innovations and to discuss together about future challenges and opportunities. Visit us at hall A5 / booth 510 We look forward to meeting you!    

RGM assigns 3 study awards for the best students in Electrical Engineering 2017-2018

The best students in Electrical Engineering award was held on September, 13th at the University of Genoa for the academic year 2017/2018. Same as per the last edition, also this year RGM has assigned 3 study awards for the most meritorious students, confirming the company commitment. RGM technical director, Ing. Aldo Brondolo was present at the award to personally congratulate the students. Thanks to DITEN (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni) for the initiative and… Congratulation to the students!